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Look for the Logo – A Symbol of Trust and Professionalism

2025-02-21T15:25:14+00:00February 21st, 2025|

The PSRA logo is now available for use by PSRA licensed businesses for use in their daily business, providing a clear sign to the public that these businesses adhere to the highest professional standards. What does the logo mean for consumers? The PSRA logo offers reassurance that their rights are protected under the Property Services (Regulation) [...]

Change to PSRA Licence Fees

2024-02-26T08:52:58+00:00February 22nd, 2024|

The Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) wishes to advise that PSRA licence fees will increase, effective 17 April, 2024 as follows:Class of LicenceOld Licence FeeNew Licence FeeCompensation Fund ContributionTotalBusiness€1,000€1,100€200€1,300Individual€100€110€50€160  Compensation Fund ContributionThere will be no change to the Compensation Fund contribution of €200 for employers and €50 for employees.

PSRA to Publish Minor Sanctions

2023-11-09T12:45:52+00:00June 14th, 2023|

Licensees are being notified that, effective from 1 July 2023, where a Licensee receives three or more minor sanctions in respect of three separate, independent complaint investigations within an 18-month period, the Authority will proceed to publish the details of the Licensee involved and matters relating to the imposition of the minor sanction(s) imposed. Please [...]

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